About our School Am ein hysgol ni

Ysgol Gymunedol Gelli Aur/Golden Grove Community School is a school where individuals are valued and helped to achieve their personal best.  Children are supported in becoming confident and independent young people, who thrive on challenge, and are motivated to learn.  All schools have their own distinctive ‘feel’ which makes each one unique. We believe that the ‘special feel’ at Golden Grove is to do with our caring and friendly atmosphere.

I am extremely proud to lead a team that is committed to achieving high standards and providing the very best opportunities for the children in our care.  Staff, supported by governors, work hard to deliver a rich and challenging curriculum; to prepare children for future education; and to help them acquire the skills and enthusiasm needed to embrace the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

The excellent start begins in Nursery and continues through the school with staff providing a happy, supportive and purposeful environment, and a curriculum that excites and stimulates children’s imaginations and creative thinking.  Frequent trips and visits, community activities and a wide range of after-school clubs further add to the opportunities available to children.

The school, as of September 2024, is now an English Stream School only, having been a designated bilingual primary school for nearly fifty years. At present, there are ten classes at the school in addition to our new Golden Grove Day Care that includes Flying Start, wraparound provision, including after school and breakfast club.

Welsh is taught as a second language in the English Stream where staff and pupils are encouraged to use Welsh as part of their everyday language in school. We aim to develop the use of the language and to provide a relevant context for the teaching of it. Children are also encouraged to be proud of their Welsh heritage and to respect the cultural identity of all children in school

The best way to find out about our school is to come and visit, to see us in action and meet staff and children. A telephone call to the school office on 01646 682605 is all that is needed to arrange this.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school, and to a happy and successful partnership with all our new children and families.

Andrew Williams Head Teacher

Meet our Staff Cwrdd â’r Staff

Mr A Williams
Head Teacher
Mrs K Jones
Deputy Head Teacher
Mrs R Bruce
Miss A Harding
Mr S Jenkins
Miss R Adams
Mrs S Smith
Miss L Wainwright
Mrs N White
Mrs M Olyott
Miss M Thorne-Williams
Teacher/ HLTA
Miss M Edwards
Miss Emma Scourfield
Administrative Officer
Mrs K Cole
Administrative Assistant
Mrs S Rochester
Family Engagement Officer
Mrs S Brown
Golden Grove Day Care Leader
Miss S Regan
Golden Grove Day Care Leader
Mrs K Lewis
Golden Grove Day Care LSA
Mrs L Jones
Golden Grove Day Care LSA
Mrs C Halliwell
Flying Start LSA
Miss K Kitts
Mrs A Phillips
Mrs R Brown
Miss K Williams
Miss E Watts
LSA/ Breakfast Club Lead
Mrs A Ford
Mrs S Roberts-Ogleby
Mrs A Millican
Mrs T Evans
Golden Grove Day Care LSA
Mrs K Scourfield
Mrs S Axon
Cook In Charge
Miss J Gammer
Catering Assistant
Mrs M Davies
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs J Palmer

Family Engagement Officer Swyddog Ymgysylltu Teuluol

My name is Sadie Rochester and I’ve been given the wonderful opportunity to work as Golden Grove’s Family Engagement Officer. I have only just started this term and I am very keen to develop the work that Lily had already started; working closely with the children and parents to increase the links with the school and the wider community.

Please take time to look on this website at some of the activities that we have already been doing, and what’s coming up this term. Just click on Updates & Events and then go to Community Events.

Activities take place every fortnight with children and families, so there are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved. There’s been fantastic engagement so far and we will continue to build on this great start!

If you need me, you can contact me on Rochesters6@hwbcymru.net, or feel free to come into school and we’ll have a cup of tea and a chat.


Mrs S Rochester
Family Engagement Officer

After School Club Clwb ar ol Ysgol

My name is Sam Regan and I run the After School Club.

Golden Grove After School Club aims to provide high quality, accessible out of school childcare. We offer a range of different play activities for children aged 2 – 11 years who are in attendance to Golden Grove School/ Ysgol Gelli Aur or Golden Grove Day Care. We welcome all children in to a fun and safe environment.

Bookings for After School Club are made through the ParentMail App. Please contact me, if you wish to register your child for After School Club. Sessions cost £9.00 and we currently operate Monday to Thursday, from 3:20pm till 5:30pm, term time only.

We are registered with the Childcare Offer for Wales (30 hours childcare). This funding is for parents with children between the ages of 3-4 years old. If you are entitled to claim the 30 hours and are interested in using your hours towards the cost of After School Club, please speak with me before agreeing hours on your account.

More information about the 30-hour funding is available on their website –


or call 0300 0628 628.


We are also registered with the Tax Free Childcare Scheme. If you are successful in getting the Tax-Free Childcare, you’ll set up an online childcare account for your child. For every £8 you pay into this account, the government will pay in £2 to use to pay the setting. Please speak with me if you are eligible for the Tax-Free Childcare Scheme.


More information about the Tax Free Childcare Scheme is available on their website –




We are registered for 62 children with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW).

You can find out more information about After School provision, on the website under the School Information tab.

If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tel: 01646 681096

Email: Regans20@hwbcymru.net

Miss Sam Regan
After School Club Leader
Miss Katie Lewis
After School Club Assistant
Mrs Lauren Jones
After School Club Assistant
Mrs Claire Halliwell
After School Club Assistant
Miss Katie Evans
After School Club Assistant

Our Governors Ein Llywodraethwyr

Mrs Alison Kavanagh
Mr Neil Lewis
Vice-Chair (LA Governor)
Cllr Aaron Carey
Additional Community Governor
Mrs Daphne Bush
LA Governor
Mr Dennis Evans
Community Governor
Mrs Alison Evans
Parent Governor
Mrs Pat Hogg
Community Governor
Mr Sion Jenkins
Teacher Governor
Mrs Katie Jones
Teacher Governor
Mrs Adele Millican
Staff Governor
Mrs Catrin Mills
Parent Governor
Mr Gary O'Leary
Parent Governor
Mrs Sue Rushton
Community Governor
Mr Darrell Willington
Community Governor
Mrs Ann Mortenson
Community Governor

Worried About Someone?

In the case of an emergency please contact:
Duty Social Worker
Child Care Assessment Team
Domestic Abuse Helpline
Emergency Services

Please use this form to tell us about anything that you are worried about with regard to yourself or someone else. This form will send information to the Golden Grove Safeguarding Leader who may need to involve others in order to help you. We will try and respond to your concern within 48 hours.

All images and text copyright © Golden Grove School / Ysgol Gelli Aur 2024 | Site by Modern Print & Design 2022